We are proud to invite your organisation to participate as a sponsor and/or exhibitor at IPDLN2020.
Benefits of sponsorship
The 2020 Conference presents a unique opportunity for sponsors to engage with delegates and showcase their knowledge, expertise and business to a well-informed national and international audience.
The conference and pre-conference workshops will provide significant business and research opportunities for sponsors.
Sponsors and attendees of the 2020 IPDLN Conference will interact closely with representatives of national and international institutes, organisations and university research centres – specialised in data linkage and analysis, as well as researchers, policy-makers, students and other national and international experts.
The listed packages are by no means limited and we welcome the opportunity to discuss your individual requirements.
To discuss your involvement and marketing goals further, please contact the Conference Organiser, Premier Event Concepts:
Amy Roberts
Sponsorship Manager
Premier Event Concepts
P: +61 400 186 995
E: amy@premiereventconcepts.com.au

Thank you to our sponsors…

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare provides high-quality and independent evidence—used by many to improve policies and services on health and welfare issues and topics, including expenditure, hospitals, disease, injury, mental health, ageing, homelessness, housing, disability, child protection, and the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Website: www.aihw.gov.au

The Population Health Research Network (PHRN) is a ground breaking program which has created Australia’s first national data linkage network. Founded in 2009, this national collaboration enables existing data from around Australia to be brought together and made available for important research.
Established with the backing of the Australian Government (as part of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure) and supported by every Australian state and territory, the PHRN has built a network that enables existing health data from around the nation to be brought together and made available for vital health and non-health related research purposes. The PHRN enables population research of national relevance which results in improved policy making and service delivery. We use global best practice in maximising the benefits to the Australian community whilst preserving individual privacy.
The PHRN is a national network coordinated by the Program Office located in Perth, Western Australia and supports six state/territory data linkage units, one national data linkage unit and a secure data laboratory. The PHRN also provides a number of national eResearch tools and services to assist research access linked data efficiently and securely.
Website: www.phrn.org.au

SA NT DataLink, operating in South Australia (SA) and the Northern Territory (NT), facilitates access to an extensive range of health, education and human services data from SA, NT and the Australian Government for ethically approved research and to support government policies and programmes. It has the widest range of data available for linkage in Australia and is an Australian Government accredited Integrating Authority, enabling direct access to Australian Government data collections.
Operating as a trusted third party on behalf of data custodians and using strict privacy protecting protocols, SA NT DataLink facilitates access to government and non-government data collections for state, territory and national projects.
Website: www.santdatalink.org.au/

ICES is an independent, not-for-profit research institute that uses population-based health information to produce knowledge on a broad range of health care issues. Our unbiased evidence helps measure health system performance, provides a clearer understanding of the shifting health care needs of Ontarians, and creates discussion of practical solutions for using scarce resources. ICES knowledge is highly regarded in Canada and abroad, and is widely used by government, hospitals, planners, and practitioners to make decisions about care delivery and to develop policy. ICES is Ontario’s trusted steward of health-related data from a variety of data sources including health services administrators, clinical registries, provincial and national health surveys, care providers, electronic medical records and agencies such as statistics Canada. ICES scientists and data experts are internationally recognized leaders; many are practicing clinicians who understand health care delivery. They work with multidisciplinary teams of data experts at ICES in the use, protection and translation of this data to answer high priority questions of relevance to patients and the health system.
Website: https://www.ices.on.ca/

The O’Brien Institute for Public Health at the University of Calgary supports excellence in population health and health services research, realizing the benefits of such research by informing community, policy and health-practice stakeholders.
The Institute’s membership includes more than 500 multidisciplinary researchers from 13 Cumming School of Medicine departments and nine other University of Calgary faculties, such as Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Kinesiology and Arts; health professionals in Alberta Health Services; and, research users and policy makers from municipal and provincial institutions. As an Institute, we share a vision of “Better health and health care” reflecting our two priority research areas of Improved Population Health and Enhanced Health Systems Performance.
The Institute’s success in brokering broader external relationships, with provincial and national interest groups, policy makers, research agencies, the media, philanthropists, and community stakeholders, further extends the reach and impact of our members’ significant research outputs.
Website: www.ucalgary.ca

The University of South Australia is Australia’s University of Enterprise. Our culture of innovation is anchored around global and national links to academic, research and industry partners. Our graduates are the new urban professionals, global citizens at ease with the world and ready to create and respond to change. Our research is inventive and adventurous and we create new knowledge that is central to global economic and social prosperity.
Website: www.unisa.edu.au

Ranked in the world top 75 for Public Health, The School of Population and Global Health at The University of Western Australia is a leading research, teaching and service organisation whose work influences health policies and practices. With a commitment to achieving excellence in teaching and research training, our courses are flexible and industry relevant, giving students the knowledge and skills to address pressing and emerging health issues. The School has been an intellectual leader in linked data training and research in Australia and was a founding partner of the Western Australian Data Linkage System.
Website: www.uwa.edu.au

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia’s national statistical agency, providing official statistics on a wide range of economic, social, population and environmental matters of importance to Australia. We also provide microdata, including linked data, to enable analysis for statistical and research purposes under safe conditions that preserve privacy.
Website: www.abs.gov.au/

The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide is a world leader in health education and research. The faculty seeks to improve health care in Australia and internationally and contains one of Australia’s largest concentrations of leading health researchers, teachers and clinical titleholders. Through the integration of teaching and research, our graduates are equipped with the knowledge, skills and capabilities to not only deliver the best care, but be tomorrow’s health leaders. Our researchers lead transformative investigations that generate a rich stream of new insights, innovative technologies and treatments and improved policy. Through our international research partnerships, we are improving health outcomes across the globe.
Website: www.health.adelaide.edu.au/

Curtin University’s Data Linkage team (CDL) has developed state of the art linkage software that accurately matches records across different systems. LinXmart has been specifically designed to meet the challenges of operational data linkage. It manages ongoing linkage, increasingly complex and dynamic data, and can link records without access to personally identifiable information.
Visit: https://linxmart.com.au/