Conference Topic / Theme: Indigenous health and well-being
Panel Discussion: Indigenous health and well-being

Associate Professor Ray Lovett, Australian National University
Associate Professor Raymond Lovett BN, RN, BHSc, MAE, PhD is an Aboriginal (Wongaibon/Ngiyampaa) epidemiologist with extensive experience in health services research, large scale data analysis for public health policy and evaluation. Ray leads Mayi Kuwayu, the National Study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing and is a founding member of the Maiam nayri Wingara Indigenous Data Sovereignty network.

Mr Andrew Sporle, University of Auckland
Andrew Sporle is a Māori researcher and data sovereignty advocate with over twenty-five years’ experience developing initiatives in social and health research as well as indigenous research workforce development across the public, private and academic sectors. His current work involves initiating permanent structural changes to data infrastructure and practice with the aim of increasing the impact and accessibility of data resources in New Zealand, Australia and Pacific countries. He is also based part-time in the Statistics Department at the University of Auckland, where he teaches in courses on survey methods, official statistics, data ethics and statistical literacy.
Dr Jennifer Walker, Laurentian University
Conference Topic / Theme: Ethics, Law and Governance/Data Linkage Platforms
Panel Discussion: Moving Beyond the Consent or Anonymise Dichotomy

A/Professor Angela Ballantyne, National University of Singapore
Associate Professor Ballantyne’s academic interests include research ethics (especially issues of justice and vulnerability), medical ethics education, the ethics of pregnancy and reproductive technologies and data ethics. She has worked in schools of Medicine, Primary Health Care and Philosophy internationally; and as the Technical Officer for Genetics and Ethics at the World Health Organization. She was the President of the International Association of Bioethics (2016-2018). She is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore and her permanent position is at the University of Otago Wellington. In Singapore, she is working on public perceptions and ethical issues associated with precision medicine, particularly in relation to data sharing with private industry.

Dr Elissa Redmiles, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Dr. Elissa M. Redmiles is a faculty member and research group leader of the Digital Harm group at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. She additionally serves as a consultant and researcher at multiple institutions, including Microsoft Research and Facebook. Dr. Redmiles uses computational, economic, and social science methods to understand users’ security, privacy, and online safety-related decision-making processes. Her work has been featured in popular press publications such as Scientific American, Wired, Business Insider, Newsweek, Schneier on Security, and CNET and has been recognized with multiple Distinguished Paper Awards at USENIX Security and the John Karat Usable Privacy and Security Research Award. Dr. Redmiles received her B.S. (Cum Laude), M.S., and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland. As a graduate student, she was supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, and a Facebook Fellowship.
A/Prof Ma’n Zawati, McGill University